Most Recent / April 16th, 2023

Well hasn't this been interesting? Mini summer in April. The daytime highs hitting close to 30 degrees for almost 6 days. It has certainly swung all things spring into high gear. The weather has kept us mostly outside over the past week so this week’s post will be rather short and sweet, but we won’t skip the highlights.


Our first calf of the year was born on a very warm Friday afternoon, and she is a firecracker. Her mom Mae-Mae is new to the parenting game but has behaved like a season vet. She is constantly trying to get her new baby in line, but from an outside perspective it seems her new babe pretty much just does what she wants most the time. Bucking and kicking and running all about. Mae-mae diligently follows her about, uttering a low moo every time she's gone too far.

As for her name, well it took quite a while to name her as Connor said no to every suggestion. Only to land the next day on the name Abbie even though it was suggested several times the day before.

We have three more calves to come and perhaps I will start naming them now.

Flower season has officially started with our first flowers blooming yesterday morning. We even have tulips starting to turn. Spring flowers, what an absolute roller coaster. We have big plans for our spring blooms, and we hope you will join us in celebrating spring here on the farm.

This weather was a wonderful bright reminder that these days will soon be here to stay. Giving a little boost of energy and excitement to carry us through the dreary days ahead. A reminder of the ease which this weather can bring. Easy meals, early morning walks, an after-dinner stroll to catchup about the day and plan what’s to come.

We hope you enjoyed your sun filled week.

Until next time,



We are the Harrison-Hills: Connor, Emma-Lee, Hudson and Forrest. We are the third generation of Harrison's to live and work on these beautiful 137 acres just outside of Lakefield, Ontario and we are so excited to share our farm with you.

xx Emma

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